Bicyclists face a number of dangers while on the roads -the most terrifying of which are automobiles. No one wants to be hit by a car, and while most cyclists ride defensively, follow traffic laws, use bike lights, wear helmets and dress in bright colors, accidents still happen. Studies have shown that 90% of all bike accidents involving vehicles are the fault of the driver. Over 500,000 bicyclists check into hospitals every year -many times a result of a car accident. Every year, 700 cyclists die from injuries incurred by car accidents. If you have been injured in a car on bicycle collision, please speak with a skilled Minnesota accident attorney.
The most common reason cars will run into bicyclists is that drivers often enter intersections before checking it is safe to do so. The second most common reason is vehicles passing bikes in an unsafe manner. The third most common reason bicyclists are injured by drivers is by drivers opening car doors as cyclists ride by. Whatever the reason for the injuries, the driver should be held responsible through an accident lawsuit in Minnesota.
Learn more in Michael Bryant's video regarding bicycle accidents here.
At Bradshaw & Bryant, P.L.L.C., we have seen all types of bicycle accidents and we can help you. A Minnesota accident lawyer from our firm can help you claim compensation for:
The most common injuries in these accidents, as seen by a Minnesota accident attorney are broken bones, spinal cord damage, nerve damage, road rash, head traumas and death. Even in more minor accidents, hospital bills can quickly reach the thousands.
If you or a loved one was hit by a car while riding a bike, please speak with a skilled Minnesota accident lawyer.
For more on this topic click here for a short video from Michael Bryant